

Q: When do applications open and how do I apply?  

A: Applications will be open the week of May 1, 2023.  To apply, click on the APPLY NOW button on the Evolución page of the Flamenco Vivo website.  You will be taken directly to the live application.

Q: What do I need to apply?

A:  You will need a 1-page resume, a current high-resolution dance photograph or headshot, a 150 word bio, video submission and a brief artist biography.  You will be asked to answer questions about your training, performance experience and your preferred focus areas.  

Q:  What if I don’t know which program is right for me?

A:  If you are interested in more than 1 program and are unsure which one to choose you can:

Q: I’m completely new to flamenco.  Can I apply for the Developing Artists program?

A:  Dancers interested in the Developing Artists program will want to have been studying and developing within the flamenco art form before engaging.  Some helpful guidelines:

  • You have been taking flamenco classes ongoing and have an advanced beginner level understanding of flamenco techniques, dance structure and the palos.
  • You currently study with a flamenco teacher (technique and choreography). 
  • You have done student performances (with or without live music).
  • You are interested in going deep and committing yourself to a year of investigation and growth in addition/beyond your current studies.

Q: What is the time commitment for each pathway?

A: The time commitment varies from pathway to pathway and from year to year.  Each pathway offers extensive opportunities for study and development, both in a group setting, one-on-one and independently.  We always encourage anyone interested in diving in to clear as much time and space as possible in order to fully invest in yourself for one year. The more you can focus on your growth, the more growth you will experience.  

  • Developing Artists: Throughout the year participants can expect to have a combination of recorded and live classes, mentor sessions and live chats requiring approximately 3 – 5 hours of time per week. Most group classes take place on Sundays from 12:00 – 2:00 pm EST. Additional sessions will be scheduled according to participant and Guest Artist needs.  
  • Cuadro: The Cuadro year consists of live sessions (3 hours) every 2 weeks and monthly chats (1 hour).  Dancers will have homework assignments to complete in between the live classes; a solid, self-directed solo practice is necessary to prepare work in between sessions. 
  • Flamenco Certamen: Certamen requires independent study and training from the time of acceptance as a Finalist up until the Residency and Finals.  The Residency requires full participation – 7 days of uninterrupted study, work and mentorship in order to prepare.  
  • Consortium: Participants attend bi-weekly meetings (1.5 – 2 hours, 2x’s per month).  Self-directed study and investigation is essential.  

Q: I’m not ready to commit to a full year of study.  Can I still engage with the Evolución programs?

A: Yes!  Select classes throughout the program year (July 2023 – June 2024) are made available to the public.  Click here to get on the Evolución mailing list.

Q: Who is on the Evolución Faculty?

A:  The Evolución Faculty is composed of established flamenco professionals who are committed to supporting artists in their growth.  We are always adding to our Faculty and Guest Artist roster. 

Q: How do I know if I will receive a scholarship for my participation?

A:  Flamenco Vivo makes every effort to provide scholarships to all those who need one.  Depending on the amount of scholarship requests we receive, it is possible that all will be awarded scholarships on or near the requested amounts.