FRONTERAS at The Joyce: A Review
by Britt Stigler for ALL ARTS
“As the piece unfolds, the choreography moves through different concepts of ‘barriers’ and ‘boundaries,’ winding through questions of separation and unity with skill and humor—and a bit of glow-in-the-dark showmanship…”
A Piece of Colombia in New York
Tonight June 29 @ Drom
& July 2 @ Terraza 7
The 6th Festival Selva Adentro invites you to A Piece of Colombia in New York, two fundraiser performance events to promote peace and justice in the war torn Chocó region of Colombia, featuring flamenco artists Xianix Barrera (June 29), Ricardo Osorio (July 2), Guillermo Guillén, and Alfonso Cid.
Stunning Dior Show Features Flamenco
Sevilla, Spain
Dior’s most recent fashion show boasted designs inspired by the great Carmen Amaya and featured knockout performances from flamenco dancers Belén López and El Yiyo. The show was quite a spectacle, held in an iconic and ornate plaza, further adorned with flowers, accompanied by a live orchestra, and starring dozens of additional bailaoras.
Eva la Yerbabuena wins Premio Giraldillo
Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla 2022
Dancer, choreographer, and artistic director Eva la Yerbabuena was unanimously selected by a panel of judges to receive the 2022 Premio Giraldillo Internacional de Flamenco “Ciudad de Sevilla.” Coinciding with the celebration of the Bienal de Flamenco every two years,the purpose of the award is to recognize an artist who has contributed in a unique way to the recent history of flamenco in any of its disciplines, through an artistic career of renowned excellence, and who has contributed to the enhancement of flamenco heritage through the practice of her teachings.
La Yerbabuena’s artistic career was recognized for her “constant search for new languages” and how her permanent work has supported “the formation and transmission of flamenco dance.” The esteemed prize includes 10,000 euros in cash, and her company, La compañía Eva Yerbabuena, will premiere its new work Re-fracción (Desde mis ojos) at this year’s Bienal under the stage direction of Juan Kruz. La Yerbabuena is considered one of the most distinguished dancers of her generation and has been awarded countless awards throughout her career.
*Please note that this video is mislabeled in YouTube. Yerbabuena is dancing por seguiriyas.
Which iconic tourist destination in Spain was featured in the movies Lawrence of Arabia (1962) and Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (2002)?
Hint: It was also the site for the Dior fashion show featured above!
Plaza de España!
Located in María Luisa Park (another must see), Sevilla’s famous Plaza de España was built for the Ibero-American Exhibition of 1929 to show off Spain’s accomplishments in industry and architecture to the world.
Native Sevillano and architect Aníbal González designed the plaza in a large semi-circle around the spectacular fountain created by Vicente Traver, who also worked on the project. Blending the styles of 1920s Art Deco with Renaissance and Moorish Revival architecture, the whole building is surrounded by a beautiful moat, where visitors can rent boats to gently row around. Elegantly curving over the moat are four bridges, each relating to the ancient Spanish kingdoms of Castile, Navarre, Aragón, and León. Surrounding the building are 48 small pavilions, each dedicated to a province of Spain and decorated in intricately illustrated ceramic tiles (azulejos). Plaza de España is also a great spot to enjoy free daily flamenco performances, featuring many up and coming artists. Check out the video below!