Focus On: Legendary Women We Admire
We’re closing out Women’s History Month by highlighting these extraordinary talents for your enjoyment:
Carmen Linares
Carmen Linares is a very important singer in flamenco. She released an album in 1996 called Antología: La Mujer en el Cante that is a tribute to all the great female singers. It’s filled with flamenco classics and would appeal to aficionados and flamencos alike.
Antonia Jiménez
While growing up, she was the only woman with a guitar in her hands – and for many years, the only woman performing on guitar in tablaos. Read this fascinating interview with this barrier-breaking woman.
Article in Spanish
Mujeres, Fuerza y Duende
This documentary, directed by Jonathan González and Marcos Medina, showcases women whose gifts drive forward the precious legacy of flamenco.
Documentary in Spanish (no subtitles)