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donate by check
Mail a check made out to Flamenco Vivo Carlota Santana to:
4 West 43rd Street, Suite 608
New York, NY 10036
*The Company is a registered non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation under our legal name Spanish Dance Arts Company (EIN is 13-3286419)
*All donations will be acknowledged with a tax-deduction letter for your records.
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We perform annually across NYC, North Carolina, and stage a nationwide tour––giving many audiences their very first taste of flamenco and exposure to this important piece of cultural heritage.
Each year we provide life-changing educational experiences to over 20,000 public school children.
artist development
We provide mentorship, training, and even a national competition for dozens of flamenco artists annually––at all stages of their careers–– through our multiple artistic development programs housed under Evolución.
Andrea Suarez, Andrew Burgie, Anita Chang, Anna Sayre, Annie Kim, Ashley Palmer, Barry Pearce, Benjamin Kotch, Betsy Lewin, Billy Wong and Stephanie Gordon, Bruce Wilcox, Camilla Barrantes, Carol Walsh, Caroline Pheffer, Catherine Amato, Chayla Hart, Christina Collins, Claire Irving, Claire Irving, Clara Muschkin, Curzon Dobell, Daniel Feinstein, David Yin, Deborah Harper, Deirdre Towers, Dening Lohez, Diamante, Inc., Diana Vestal, E Guerrero, Edit Nagy, Edward Charny, Edwin Ortiz, Eileen Mislove, Elizabeth Brown, Elizabeth Kadin, Ellen Sills-Levy, Emil Sanchez, Emily Alejos, Eric Kotch, Frederick Jaffe, Gabrielle Yen, Gerhard Schlanzky, Gilberto Ramirez, Grady and Holly Crumpler, Heath & Jane Tuttle, Hernando Ruiz-Jimenez, Holland & Knight LLP, Ingrid Kotch, Iris Fanelli, Iris Fanelli, James and Joyce Snapper, Jane Sovern, Jean Davis, Jenny Pritchard, JoAnn Graham, Jodi Bilinkoff, John Kaufmann and Cynthia Chapman, John Murphy, Jose Fernandez, Joseph Barry, Judith Shapiro, Julia Chambers, Karen Haffmans, Kathryn and Rua Mordecai, Kerem Yaman, Leila Maude, Leonardo Fernandez, Lillian Perez, Linda Bergnes, Lindsay Fernandez, Lisandra Vazquez, Luba Sawczyn, Luke Day, M. Ann Price, Marco Zarate, María Cristina Lima, Marion Appel, Martha Dimes, Mary Catherine Peck, Mase Kerdel-DeMarco, Maurice and Shelby Williams, Meira Goldberg, Melissa Lambert, Michael & Barbara Dickinson, Michael Kotch, Michelle Vargas, Milton and Pamela Bickle, Morgan Smith, Nadir Darrah, Norman Silverman & Kazue Tomiyama , P.A. Gallett, Patricia Westphal, Paula Jonas, Peter and Donna Heffring, Philip & Margareta Kotch, Philip Torango, Raina & Stan Pelofsky, Rebecca Kotch, Ricardo Zarate, Richard and Barbara Wong, Richard and Prudence Meyer, Riley Kim, Robert Rosswaag, Rudy Fernandez, Sally Richmond, Silvia Heller, Sima Schloss, Stacy Colonna, Susana Di Palma, Susana Lorenzo, Talib Amir, Toni Messina, Victoria Baird, Wen Hou, Wendy Araujo
Updated as of Jan 13, 2025
institutional support
Con Edison, Charles Schwartz Foundation for Music, The Consulate General of Spain in New York, The Covington Family Fund, The Daniel Rosenblatt Foundation, The Dorsey & Whitney Foundation, Durham Arts Council, Harkness Foundation for Dance, Howard Gilman Foundation, Martha Lovenheim Siegel Charitable Trust, Merrill G. and Emita E. Hastings Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts, New York City Council Member Keith Powers, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with City Council, New York State Council on the Arts, New York State Dance Force, North Carolina Arts Council, New York City Department of Education, The Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation, The Robertson Foundation, The Shubert Foundation, The Spray Foundation